On Calle Interculture behind La Aldea Hostel
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Languages spoken and payments accepted vary from vendor to vendor. Please check detailed business listings.
International, Coffee/Espresso, Pizza, Italian, Pasta, Vegetarian, Vegan, Gluten Free, Charcuterie, Fusion, Tapas, Soda/Cafe, Bakery, Bar/Cocktails
Mercadito Samara Gastro Market
See individual businesses for operating hours
Don't miss all of the wonderful offerings at Mercadito Samara, Gastro Market, centrally located between the main road (160) and the beach on Calle Intercultura. The fresh and fun style of this classy boho food court is instantly welcoming and will have you coming back for more. In addition to the tasty food and beverage vendors, Mercadito Samara hosts all kinds of events, Reggae night, kid's movie Friday, a Kid's Art Class Sunday Brunch, & more. Surprisingly diverse, they have you covered all day from your morning coffee and breakfast at Big Sol, to a Mid-Day Fresh Juice or Smoothie from Tika Frutika, to Happy Hour at Heritage Bar, to finishing with a delicious dinner ranging from Mexican at Comal, to Mediterranean specialties at Romero, or grab a pie at Pizza A Nello. Meet cha at the Mercadito!
Check out Big Sol Cafe, Tika Frutika, Punto a Capo, Heritage, Pizza A Nello, Comal, and more to come!
Check out their instagram @mercadito_samara
Never a dull moment at the Gastro Market, especially with Thursday Reggae Night, Kid's Movie Night on Fridays from 6:30pm-8pm, & Kid's Art Class & Brunch on Sundays at 11am, complete with a DJ in the high season.