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AcroYoga @ Stadium 8

Wed, Nov 20


Stadium 8

Acroyoga is a movement practice that combines the balance of yoga, the fitness of acrobatics, and the healing abilities of human connection. Come to Acroyoga every week MONDAY. 5.30 pm WEDNESDAY. 5.30 pm SATURDAY 10.00 am

AcroYoga @ Stadium 8
AcroYoga @ Stadium 8

When & Where

Nov 20, 2024, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM

Stadium 8, Del super iguana verde, 600 mts Noroeste Guanacaste Playa Sámara, Provincia de Guanacaste, Nicoya, 50205, Costa Rica

The Details

Click here to learn more at Stadium 8's website

New class at Stadium 8!!

Come to Acroyoga every week

MONDAY.           5.30 pm

WEDNESDAY.   5.30 pm

SATURDAY        10.00 am

Acroyoga is a movement practice that combines the balance of yoga, the fitness of acrobatics, and the healing abilities of human connection.

People do it for many reasons -as a long term solution to chronic pain; to increase mobility, lose weight, and gain muscle; to make friends or deepen their relationships.

And some do Acroyoga just to have fun while working out!

All levels welcome! You can come by yourself, with your partner, friend, many friends, etc.

We will practice in couples and groups so everyone get the full experience .

AcroYoga combines traditional yoga with acrobatics and elements of the healing arts. It can promote a wide range of physical and mental benefits. It uses gravity to promote both strengthening and stretching in a vigorous and challenging practice. A typical class may include a warmup, partner work, flowing sequences and inversions. Working with a partner helps to improve strength and balance as well as building trust. Mats can be provided. No partner needed, we'll pair you with another yogi.


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Nueva clase en Stadium 8!!

Ven a Acroyoga todas las semanas

LUNES.              5.30 pm

MIÉRCOLES.      5:30 pm

SABADO           10.00 am

Acroyoga es una práctica de movimiento que combina el equilibrio del yoga, la fuerza de la acrobacia y las habilidades curativas de la conexión humana.

La gente lo hace por muchas razones: como solución a largo plazo al dolor crónico; aumentar la movilidad, perder peso y ganar músculo; para hacer amigos o profundizar sus relaciones.

¡Y algunos practican Acroyoga sólo para divertirse mientras hacen ejercicio!

¡Todos los niveles son bienvenidos! Puedes venir solo, con tu pareja, amigo, muchos amigos, etc.

Practicaremos en parejas y grupos para que todos tengan la experiencia completa.


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